Article writing

Lead the conversation with feature articles and interviews from an experienced journalist

In B2B content marketing, you often need an article writer who can create punchy and engaging copy for intelligent audiences. But the right writer can be hard to find.

Sure, there are countless bloggers and copywriters about – yet not many have the journalistic skills needed to write focused feature articles of 1,000 words or more, based on thorough research and an understanding of a target market.

When you need high-value article writing of this kind, it pays to use a copywriter with proven journalistic experience.

I spent many years writing for UK broadsheet newspapers, working for both editorial and advertorial teams – covering subjects ranging from technology to online business, and from carbon emissions to cryptic crosswords.

Working to tight deadlines, I can write articles that engage your target reader – and help meet your editorial and marketing goals.

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Feature articles: how I help

I’m highly experienced at writing articles of 800–1,500 words for both commercial and journalism markets. As part of my service, I can:

    • Plan an angle for your story. Great feature articles need a strong hook, a central point and engaging source material. I can help you to plan your feature prior to writing.
    • Find the best format. Not all features will be made entirely of body copy. Some may include other content elements such as case studies, timelines, or short-and-sweet titbits to engage the reader.
    • Interview the right people. My journalism background means I’m an experienced interviewer. I’m adept at longer, set-piece interviews with experts and writers; see for example this interview with business expert Dan Heath.
    • Craft the intro and headline. A great feature needs an intro to draw the reader in; again, see this piece for an example of an intro which I think works.
    • Do the legwork. A good article needs a writer who’s prepared do the background research. See for example this article for an example of a research-driven piece which relies on interviews with third-party academics.

Whether you’re an editor or a content marketer, please get in touch to find out more about how I can help.