Content review

Understand the state of your content – with a qualitative analysis by a freelance copywriter

When you’re setting out on a project to refresh your content, it can be an exciting time. But whether you’re an SME or a larger firm, it’s important to take things slowly – by reviewing and understanding your content.

After all, you can’t make changes until you know where you stand now.

But before you turn to a big-name website crawler or digital agency to handle a wide-ranging content audit, first have a think – what are you trying to achieve?

Many content audits start out by using the many free SEO web crawlers available online. While these tools are great for weeding out trackable problems such as broken links, spelling errors, and so on, there’s something they lack – and that’s a human eye.

They can be great for spotting patterns on a grand scale – but less good at understanding systemic reasons why your content might not be working.

And they won’t help you judge the quality of the marketing efforts you don’t host online, such as PDF case studies, brochures and sales emails.

So to get a handle on the state of your content, commission a hands-on review from someone who understands the hands-on challenges: a freelance copywriter.

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Content review: how I help

As an experienced writer and editor, I can help you to understand where your content is going right and where it’s going wrong – so you can make positive changes. Using my services you can:

  • Look deeply into your content. Unlike digital crawlers, my approach is to look deeply before I look widely. That way, I can spot issues that are replicated across your site – and suggest tips that can help you with every piece of content you create.
  • Review both online and offline content. How do your PDF case studies and brochures interact with your core web pages? What about your emails? By analysing content as a whole, you can understand the whole customer journey – not just what’s on your site.
  • Make the case for investment. My content review includes a written report. This gives you a document you can use to demonstrate the case for investment in content, if these are useful or necessary.
  • Provide better briefs. In the worst case, the outcome of a content audit can be a set of fairly trite, SEO-driven directions for content creators, such as the heartsink line: “We need more copy on this page”. But if you don’t know what you want to say, there’s no point in asking a copywriter to say it.In this situation I can help you look at the systems behind content. After all, if you have too much ‘thin content’, what’s the real issue you’re facing? A review can help you find out.
  • On-screen support if you need it. If you’d like to talk about the content issues you’re facing, I offer a one-on-one call service on the phone, Zoom or Teams, at affordable rates.