Blog copywriting

Develop blog ideas, engage your readers – and drive traffic to your blog

Blogs lie at the heart of many content marketing strategies – and yours is no exception. So you need a business blog copywriter who can help you meet your goals.

Depending on what these goals are, I may be the right blog writer for you.

If your strategy is to create high volumes of low-quality content to drive traffic, without regard to the user experience, then you probably want to look elsewhere.

But if you want to write high-quality blog posts which help your customers and readers, using SEO keywords in a judicious and effective way, please read on. It sounds like we can work together.

I can help you to engage your readers – while at the same time guiding potential clients from search engine to sales funnel.

Why use a copywriter for your business blog?

When you’re planning a blog, you want your content to stand out from your competition.

That isn’t easy. It means blog posts need to be smart, human-friendly, and relevant to customer needs. When blog copy starts to look “painted by numbers”, clients can tell.

After all, we’ve all been attracted by blog headlines that seem to solve our problem – only to find that the copy is a basic rehash of what can easily be found on the web.

This means you need articles on the right topics, properly researched, which answer specific client questions – helping readers realise you have the expertise they need.

Human-friendly blogs, optimised for search engines

When you need to attract traffic to your blog, you also need to think about keywords. But when you “crowbar” keywords into blog posts without thought for meaning or flow, the results can also put clients off.

It takes a good freelance blogger to write posts that not only engage, but naturally include the keywords your clients are looking for.

I can help you do this – so please get in touch to find out more.

Why choose me for blogging?

I have a big advantage over other copywriters when it comes to blogs. That’s because I worked as a national news journalist – and there’s a lot of crossover between blogging and journalism skills.

Back in 2000, I was the Guardian’s first blogger, writing what was then known as the Guardian Weblog. In those days it was a review of the best content out there on the web: here’s what it looked like in 2001.

Later, I went on to write feature articles for the Guardian and other outlets as a freelance journalist. Here, for example, is an online travel feature I wrote on peninsulas in Greece; here, a tech piece on the (new and exciting, at the time) phenomenon of MP3 bloggers.

After that, I went on to write for a number of customer magazine companies, writing highly researched articles on a wide range of topics, under the auspices of well known brands. (This 2011 feature for Grant Thornton on the financial history of bonds is a favourite of mine; it shows that branded content can be creative, readable and on-brand.)

In the last couple of years, I’ve helped a number of tech organisations with writing and editing blogs, typically on technical topics such as cyber-security and artificial intelligence (AI).

My client tend to choose me because I can handle these highly technical topics – but the real secret is about curiosity and research, because that’s what makes any subject accessible to readers and customers. 

Why use this service?

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Image Credit: Freepik

Blog copywriting: my services

As an experienced blog content writer, I can help you to engage readers while attracting traffic. I do this by:

Developing blog ideas

When you’re planning a blog, you need a continuous flow of blog ideas.

But coming up with ideas isn’t just about listing possible topics for blogs.

It’s about coming up with a short synopsis or outline, covering points such as:

  • The audience for your blog post
  • A possible headline/intro
  • The “hook” or angle which will encourage people to read it
  • Basic research, including any experts we need to speak to or interview
  • Keyword research, to help make sure what you’re writing about what people are searching for.

See also my content idea development service.

Writing in different styles

There’s no such thing as a “typical blog post”. So if you’re planning a blog, you need a copywriter who can write in different formats. These include:

  • Cornerstone content, which answers the questions your readers are asking – driving traffic to your site while building credibility
  • Regular, journalism-style articles about hot topics, bringing in a range of points of view – akin to thought leadership
  • Short technical posts which answer specific questions about your product or service – which can be the difference between making a sale or not
  • Profiles of, or interviews with, in-house personalities
  • Round-up blogs (“The 10 best…”), which attract traffic as they tend to rank well in search engines
  • Guest posts, which may need to vary in style as they live on other people’s sites
  • Quizzes and other fun content, to spice up the mix.

As a versatile writer with a journalistic background, I can adapt to many different kinds of blog styles.

Handling your topic

Need a writer who can handle your niche or specialist topic? Try me.

I write in a range of sectors, including B2B copywriting and technology writing.

Doing the basics right

Of course, as well as all the above, you want a copywriter who’ll cover the basics. Someone who can write clean copy, on deadline and on brief – because this stuff matters.

As a freelance writer for more than 20 years, I have the skills to write the copy you need.

I’m also a member of ProCopywriters, the alliance of commercial writers.

To find out more about my blog copywriting service, please get in touch. I’ll come back to you and let you know if I can help.

Read my blog on blogging

Just one more thing: in 2021 I wrote a blog post on why it’s important for marketers to value blogs as much as other types of content. It includes some great tips on how to do blogs properly, so I recommend you give it a read.

If you’re convinced, get in touch – and let’s work together on your next blog posts.